Bulk card issuance

You can place a request for issuing a bulk of non-personalized physical cards. For this you need to provide the card product, the number of cards to be created in the bulk request and the shipping address to deliver the bulk cards. The bulk can be delivered to a centralized location (e.g. a branch or a retail outlet). Amount can optionally be provided when creating the bulk card request which will serve as the preloaded amount for the non-personalized cards. A walk-in customer can be enrolled as a user and a non-personalized card taken from the bulk can be assigned to the newly registered user.

Create bulk card request

You can order non-personalized physical cards in bulk by sending POST request to /bulkissuances endpoint as given below.

POST /bulkissuances

{ "card_product_id": "f4947edd-0dc1-4d60-af5a-f0dcb01d141c", "number_of_cards": 50, "amount": 100, "currency": "USD", "name_on_card": "Gift Card", "dry_run": false


Retrieve bulk card requests

nCore offers two bulk card request retrieval options.

  • Retrieve existing bulk card requests

You can retrieve all existing bulk card requests by sending a GET request to /bulkissuances endpoint shown below.

GET /bulkissuances

  • Retrieve a specific bulk card request

You can retrieve a specific bulk card request by sending a GET request to /bulkissuances/{id} endpoint, where id is the bulk id.

GET /bulkissuances/{id}

Update a bulk issuance request

You can update an existing bulk issuance request by sending a PUT request to /bulkissuances/{id} endpoint as shown below. In the below sample let's suppose you want to update the status of an existing request from “draft” to “submitted”.

PUT /bulkissuances/{id}


"currency": "USD", "status": "SUBMITTED"


A non-personalized card created using bulk issuance needs to be linked to a user before it can be used to perform transactions. nCore supports secure card linking and activation to link a bulk card with a user. You can link a bulk card to an existing user or a newly created user. Please refer to section Users for further info on how to create and manage users.

To link a bulk card to a user, send a POST request to /cards:link endpoint as shown below. The API endpoint requires an activation_token which can be created by performing a SHA-512 hash on the card information.

POST /cards:link


“activation_token”: “4E8AACE317CBF21390FA7F9DB3F772E724DB1A50609F5592F3007E3AD54A463F9BD0B45A8EC1BC204C32655E8AE 1B3964B67C2DAADFA0DA95B49C1CE83F86946”, “user_id”: “8009ace0-c16e-4d03-8a89-36010cf30b87”


Steps to calculate activation token

1. To calculate an activation token for a particular card, you need card information as given below.

  • Card PAN (Primary Account Number)

  • Card Expiry Date (YYMM)

  • CVV2


  • Card PAN: 4122432442321234

  • Card Expiry Date: 2112

  • CVV2: 453

Concatenate the card information in the following sequence:

String format: <Card PAN><Card Expiry Date><CVV2>

String result: 41224324423212342112453

2. Apply SHA-512 hash algorithm to the above string. SHA-512 is a hashing algorithm that performs a hashing function on the data given to it. Hashing algorithms are used in many things such as internet security, digital certificates, and etc.

Result in hash format: 4E8AACE317CBF21390FA7F9DB3F772E724DB1A50609F5592F3007E3AD54A463F9BD0B45A8EC1BC204C32655E8AE 1B3964B67C2DAADFA0DA95B49C1CE83F86946

Please ensure that the SHA-512 hash result passed to the API in activation_token has the hexadecimal letters (A-F) in uppercase.

Last updated

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