Card product

The nCore platform uses the concept of card product that acts as a template to define characteristics of the cards associated to the card product.

Card product settings

The card product offers different settings, these settings allow you to customize the card product as per your business needs.

  • Currency settings: These settings allow you to define the currencies you want to support, the currency in which to settle, the order to use in sweeping the fund, and various controls at currency level.

  • Card settings: These settings help to define attributes like BIN (Bank Identification Number), PAN length, PAN range, card initial status on its creation, and other controls at card level.

  • Account settings: These settings allow you to link cards with the card product’s account and to configure number of cards per account.

  • PIN settings: nCore platform provides you the ability to customize your card PIN settings for attributes like PIN type, PIN length, and number of allowed retries.

  • Authorization settings: It provides you to control you card usage on ATMs, in-store POS terminals, E-Commerce with/without 3DS, fallback transactions, and other transaction use cases.

All these features are defined with the card product, it is mandatory to include a card product when creating a card.

Create a card product

The card product is created in ‘Inactive’ status. When a card is issued the status of a card product becomes ‘Active’ automatically. You can create a card product as per your business need by sending a POST request to /cardproducts endpoint as given below.

POST /cardproducts

{ "description": "Some description of the card product", "currency_settings": [ { "supported_currency": "USD", "settlement_currency": "USD", "priority": 1 } ], "card_settings": { "bin": "412345", "pan_range": [ {

"start_range": 0, "end_range": 9999999 } ] }


Retrieve card products

nCore offers two card product retrieval options.

Retrieve existing card products

You can retrieve all existing card products by sending a GET request to /cardproducts endpoint shown below.

GET /cardproducts

Retrieve a specific card product

You can retrieve a specific card product by sending a GET request to /cardproducts/{id} endpoint, where id is the card product id.

GET /cardproducts/{id}

Update a card product

You can update a card product by sending a PUT request to /cardproducts/{id} endpoint as given below.

PUT /cardproducts/{id}

Once a card product is in ‘Active’ status, certain attributes are not allowed to be modified.

Below you can find the parameters which cannot be updated for an ACTIVE/SUSPENDED card product:

Card settings
PIN settings
Currency settings
Auth settings
Account settings


'pin_retries' if tenant level setting 'allow_card_product_update_pin_retries' is set to 'false'

for base currency,priority=1



PAN length

PAN ranges (however, new ranges can be added)



initial_status_of_physical_card: "INACTIVE", if 'create_account_with_card':false

initial_status_of_virtual_card: "INACTIVE", if 'create_account_with_card':false

Card renewal

We introduced the following parameters in the response of Card products APIs under 'card_settings' parameter: "allow_card_renewal", "renew_before_days", "new_pan_on_renewal", "auto_renewal_process". They are used to renew an existing card so that if a card is about to be expired, a new card can be generated and provided to the cardholder for uninterrupted card services.

Impacted APIs:

  • Create card product

  • Update card product

  • Get card product

  • Get list of card product

This enhancement has impact on both existing and new card products.


 "card_settings": {
  "allow_card_renewal": true, // default = false
  "renew_before_days": 60, // default = 60
  "new_pan_on_renewal": false,  // default = false
  "auto_renewal_process": true // default = false

Last updated

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