Changes in the release on 13/07/2023

This enhancement has impact on upcoming implementation, so please make sure to get acquainted with it thoroughly.

Deployment Dates:

Staging: July 13

Production: July 19

IDV Re-verification upon document expiration

Background: INDIVIDUAL users who are already verified but their documents have either expired or about to expire. To cater to that, we will introduce a mechanism for IDV re-verification.

New settings (configured on NymCard side):

  "days_prior_expiration": 30, (attached is a file to explain the expiration date calculation)
  "applicable_user_status": [ "ACTIVE"]  (applicable to ACTIVE users for now)

Cron Job

a. read tenant level settings related to expired_idv_policy

b. pick INDIVIDUAL users and check for the expiry date of their documents

c. update user status_reason_code to A6 if their documents have expired or about to expire

d. Fintechs will receive webhook with status A6, then they need to start below mentioned process:

  • Change the (ACTIVE) user 'status_reason_code' to B2E (works exactly the same as B2) to generate a new IDV token and ask the end-user to upload his documents again

  • Update the (ACTIVE) user 'status_reason_code' to B0E (works exactly the same as B0) once the documents are uploaded to initiate the IDV process

If the report is CLEAR, user status is updated to (ACTIVE), A7 (new status reason code). Otherwise; user takes on (ACTIVE), A8 'status_reason_code' for the CONSIDER > CAUTION scenario, T12E 'status_reason_code' for the CONSIDER > TERMINATED user status scenario & T13E 'status_reason_code' for the CONSIDER > SUSPECTED user status scenario (where A8, T12E (works same way as T12) & T13E (works same way as T13) are new status reason codes).

Respectively, we added new values for user status_reason_code:

  • A6 : Document expired or about to expire

  • A7 - ID renewed

  • A8 : ID re-verification failed after document expiration

  • B2E: Generate SDK token, document expired (same as B2)

  • B0E: Documents re-uploaded after document expiration for identity verification (same as B0)

  • T12E: System terminated due to ID verification rejected after document expiration for identity verification (same as T12)

  • T13E: System terminated due to ID verification suspected after document expiration for identity verification (same as T13)

To re-initiate IDV flow by generating a new SDK token: change status_reason_code from A8 to B2E.

Below you can find a document with IDV expiration days calculation samples.

Last updated

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